The performance of the Garden is two-fold: First, the physical event of the garden, from inception to completion is captured through film The process of sowing seeds, water & nurturing, followed by the vegetation's wild growth and eventual death, crisp in the winter sun is in itself a beautiful spectacle.
The second performance occurs on a cellular level within the plants and surrounding soil, as they draw the contaminants from the site. The documentation of these two coinciding events is the means with which the project team shares the garden with the outside world, as access is restricted.
garden 01 species performance
plot performance
This graphics below identify the species through colour in order to measure the growth of each species and look at the difference between meadow vs monoculture. During the monthly site tests the plants were photographed, measured and assessed for their health, height and coverage.
Initial contaminant results in Species
The below graphs highlight the levels of contaminant measured in the dominant species that survived the length of the trial. These are an initial, overall analysis of the toxins and further breakdown of the location within the plant structure (i.e. Root, Stem, Leaf, Fruit) that these readings were recorded will be explored.
Selected Species Growth Performance: Sunflower and Lucerne Visual Diary
Lucerne medicago sativa
Sunflower helianthus annuus