Site preparation

The site required extensive clearing and soil ripping prior to the installation of the garden. Plots were hand raked to remove large rocks and create a suitable seedbed. To ensure the success of the plants an timed irrigation was installed.

Photo 8-8-18, 08 08 51.jpg

Sowing the Seeds

The seeds were hand sown by the research team on 20th August 2018, hydro-mulch was used to settle the seeds.


Testing Regime

The plants were tested monthly for contaminant uptake. Testing occurred within the root, surrounding soil, stem, leaf and fruit (where it was present). There were a series of weeds that also began to thrive, and these too were subjected to the same testing regime, measuring their ability to phytoremediate.

0-3 months of vegetattion growth post seeds being sown

0-3 months of vegetattion growth post seeds being sown

3-6 months of vegetation growth post seeds being sown

3-6 months of vegetation growth post seeds being sown


Growth Over time

The gardens growth over time was also closely monitored, with monthly measuring of specimens, individual plot photograph records and time-lapse footage. Through these resources the gardens wildness emerged, as measurement soon became impossible due to its tangle and unruly nature.